Terms of use

1. Site editor :

Company name: Joris Chetara

Legal form: Auto entrepreneur

Head office address: France, Vaucluse

Telephone number:

E-mail address: jorisseo@gmail.com

Company registration number (SIRET): 84209882400019

Publication manager: Joris Chetara Alias Rouge Fox (Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/joris-chetara-consultant-seo/)

Editorial manager: Joris Chetara

2. Website Host:

222-224 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
SARL o2switch with a capital of €7,500
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3. Protection of Personal Data:

Our website does not collect personal data.

4. Intellectual Property:

The content of this website, including but not limited to texts, images, graphics, and logos, is the property of Joris Chetara and is protected by copyright laws. All rights not expressly granted are reserved.


All content on this site is protected by copyright under applicable laws. Unless otherwise stated, you may not copy, modify, distribute, display, transmit, publish, sell, or permit the creation of derivative works from this content. You may use the content for personal and non-commercial purposes, provided that all copyright notices and other ownership notices remain intact. Any unauthorized use of the content on this site may violate copyright, trademark, and other regulations.

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Visitors to this site are allowed to download, print, and use the content for personal and non-commercial purposes, provided they respect copyright and other intellectual property rights. Any use of the content for commercial or advertising purposes is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization from Chetara. To obtain permission, please contact us at jorisseo@gmail.com.

By using this site, you agree to comply with these terms of use and respect copyright and other intellectual property rights.

5. General Terms of Use:


6. Cookies:

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