Pilates : Which variant really suits you ?

Pilates : Which variant really suits you ?

Engaging in regular physical activity is essential to maintain good physical condition and promote well-being. Among the numerous available options, Pilates is a method gaining popularity due to its numerous benefits for the body and mind. There are different variations of Pilates, and it can be challenging to choose the one that best suits your…

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Student housing requisitioned for the 2024 Olympics : A controversy ignites social media

Student housing requisitioned for the 2024 Olympics : A controversy ignites social media

In the context of organizing the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, a new government decision has sparked controversy. The accommodations belonging to CROUS, typically designated for students, will be requisitioned to house firefighters, healthcare workers, law enforcement, and civil security personnel mobilized during this global sporting event. In exchange, the 2,200 affected students will receive…

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Stay Active and Fit While Working from Home

Stay Active and Fit While Working from Home: 5 Simple Exercises to Incorporate into Your Telework Routine

As the second wave of COVID-19 and public health measures continue, more and more people find themselves working from home. While telework offers convenience and safety, it can also limit movement, with coffee breaks and office commutes becoming a thing of the past. However, maintaining an active lifestyle remains crucial for our overall well-being. According…

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